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Designing Authentic Curricula

Some points I’d like to make: I could go on but suffice to say that everything schools are striving for can be accomplished through authentic curricula that engages and empowers students toward efficacy — that ability to tackle any problem or challenge with success! What It Looks Like: 1 – A collection of PBL tasks […]

Remote Teaching — But Not Like Spring!

With COVID cases on the rise, many schools are returning to remote instruction, at least through mid-January, as a “pause,” as one district put it. Last spring was a very trying time, and not a lot went well, but it’s important to realize that you have the opportunity to #DoSomethingDifferent and ROCK remote learning! My […]

Game Plan: Executive Function in Sports!

It’s game time! How will your players fare? Ready to win? You will no doubt increase your chances of winning if you focus on building executive function skills in addition to the skills of the sport! While athletes focus on building muscle strength, flexibility, agility, and other physical attributes . . . point to your […]

Home-Based Learning v. Homeschooling: There Is a Difference!

by guest blogger, Dr. Carrie L. Gentner, Coordinator of Digital Content, IDE Corp. As a working mom, I empathize with parents trying to come to terms with the challenges our children will face this school year. My children’s school district decided to begin the year with remote learning for all students. Social media was soon […]

The New Fall Look for School: A Hybrid Learning Environment

Fall 2020 promises to bring some challenges to schools in terms of social distancing. Most likely, students will attend school with a staggered schedule that has them both learning at home and learning online. Even if social distancing ends, the chances of another virus-related school closing are high. It’s time to stop thinking of schools […]