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Blog Posts

Harness AI for Innovative Lesson Planning and PBL

I wanted to answer the question that is on so many educators’ minds, so I decided to ask the source! Here is my morning chat with ChatGPT: Nancy: How can teachers use ChatGPT with students instead of fearing it? ChatGPT: Teachers can use chatbots like ChatGPT to enhance students’ learning experiences and supplement their traditional […]

Unlocking the Potential of Content, Learners, & Teachers Through Questioning!

Unlocking potential through questioning is the first step in the quest for student “choice and voice.” Choice empowers students to make decisions about their own learning path; voice engages them in designing the learning environment. First, however, students need to become comfortable with expression — sharing their thoughts, ideas, learning, and questions. So I like […]

Principal Support Is Just a PLE* Away!

The pandemic started a domino effect of issues that are still affecting schools today. Principals must attend to so much, and there are so many urgent items nagging at them, that it is sometimes hard to focus on instructional leadership. As principals face the challenge of moving their schools forward, they must shift to empowering […]

Designing Authentic Curricula

Some points I’d like to make: I could go on but suffice to say that everything schools are striving for can be accomplished through authentic curricula that engages and empowers students toward efficacy — that ability to tackle any problem or challenge with success! What It Looks Like: 1 – A collection of PBL tasks […]