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Home-Based Learning v. Homeschooling: There Is a Difference!

by guest blogger, Dr. Carrie L. Gentner, Coordinator of Digital Content, IDE Corp. As a working mom, I empathize with parents trying to come to terms with the challenges our children will face this school year. My children’s school district decided to begin the year with remote learning for all students. Social media was soon […]

The PBL-SEL Connection

This related resource is designed to help you see the PBL-SEL connection after you read the blog post! Imagine being part of a design team to address a real-world challenge: designing products to help humans based on animal characteristics, saving butterflies from extinction, developing school and classroom libraries that accurately reflect those reading the books, […]

Focus 2020: Encourage Students to “Make It” and “Solve It”

This post is third in a series of six to get ready for the new year. . . . The year 2020 reminds me of perfect vision! 2019 was a year of many initiatives, goals, and needs; it’s time to put everything in focus. Here are the links if you missed the first or second […]