IDE Corp. is pleased to announce that Carrie Gentner, IDE Consultant and Coordinator of Digital Content, has been awarded a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of South Florida.

Dr. Gentner’s dissertation is titled “Problematizing Florida’s Extended Reading Time Policy: A Critical Investigation of Place, Demographics, and Curricula.” Her research explores the extent to which the tenets of culturally relevant education are evident in core reading programs serving schools with high populations of minoritized students and students living in poverty.
The University of South Florida declares “the mission of the Educational Leadership program is to prepare compassionate, ethically-centered, public intellectuals to become transformative leaders committed to social justice in America’s schools.”
Founded by Dr. Nancy Sulla, IDE Corp. offers a comprehensive instructional model that is the synthesis of the best research available on student achievement. IDE consultants work with school districts around the country to help them shift paradigms and design new approaches to instruction. IDE Corp. has been providing instructional and organizational consulting to schools since 1987.