Keith Bailey, Executive Director

Keith Bailey, Executive Director PDMSTA

The 17th Annual Public Charter School Conference, presented by the Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina, was held November 14–16 in Charleston. Shané Beauford, Instructional Strategies Specialist with IDE Corp., and Keith Bailey, Executive Director of Pee Dee Math, Science, and Technology Academy (PDMSTA), shared insights from their work together in a two-part series of sessions titled Rural Students Can Learn Too! — 21st Century Strategies to Reach ALL Students.

Different from most conference presentations, Shané and Keith used structures and strategies from the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom to explore the IDE Design Process and how the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom fosters the growth of STEAM mindsets among students and teachers.

Learn more about the Learner-Active, Technology-Infused Classroom.

Founded by Dr. Nancy Sulla, IDE Corp. offers a comprehensive instructional model that is the synthesis of the best research available on student achievement. IDE consultants work with school districts around the country to help them shift paradigms and design new approaches to instruction. IDE Corp. has been providing instructional and organizational consulting to schools since 1987.